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BLACK ENTERPRISE Plans to Honor Men of Color

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BLACK ENTERPRISE has launched BE Modern Man, an integrative Web series that honors the essence, image, and accomplishments of today’s man of color. With daily features of today’s leaders, executives, creatives, students, politicians, entrepreneurs, professionals and agents of change, we’ll highlight what these men share in common: the drive to set a high bar in tech, art, philanthropy, business and beyond.

BLACK ENTERPRISE is spotlighting 100 diverse men of color (African American, Afro-Latino, African, Caribbean, Asian, etc.) who are doing exceptional work within their communities, industries, and/or globally. The BE Modern Man is making a positive impact—his way—and has a story to tell.

“For the inaugural 10-week launch, 10 BE Modern Man profiles will be presented weekly along with exclusive content touching on the triumphs, challenges, and successes specific to men of color,” says BLACK ENTERPRISE Director of Audience Development & Consumer Engagement Kelly Pierre-Louis. “With their perspective in mind, we will cover personal experiences from men of color, relevant news, and refreshing lifestyle content. We’re broadening the spectrum in which men of color are represented and providing a platform for their honest and positive stories.”

The goal of this curated movement is to globally shift the standard narrative regarding men of color and project the positive perception that is the lived experience of those within the BLACK ENTERPRISE community to the world.

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