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BJ Murphy partners with Momentum Marketing and Credit X Man

BJ Murphy partnersBJ Murphy joint ventures with Momentum Marketing to stimulate the Success Movement All over the country with emphasis on Corporate Credit Building Charlotte, NC area, spreading the word of the Success of the Credit X Man and his multi”million dollar corporate credit building programs with NO Personal Guarantee!BJ Murphy, a national radio celebrity over the last 20 years, has seen and heard it all. He has covered all aspects of news and social issuesranging from national disasters to heart”warming stories of triumph and success! Murphy is known and loved all over the country for is ardent passion for the well”being of local communities; especially, more recently, the Charlotte, North Carolina Area.He currently hosts the morning show at WGIV Radio; 6am ““ 9am, Monday ” Friday. He also serves a producer for a number of shows which includes the Momentum Marketing Show with Seth Ali ©. Two weeks ago, something incredible happened that will ultimately serve to change the lives of thousands of people around the country. A listener to the Momentum Marketing Show was in studio with his Multi”Million dollar funding package that he achieved by listening to the Credit X Man and then taking action. It took him less than 90 days to get it done with the help of the Credit X Man who has a regular segment on the show. Murphy, after seeing it with his own eyes, saw the vision of corporate credit building in Charlotte, NC, and how this can help millions of listeners around the country. Credit X Man with the Corporate Credit Corner gives thousands of dollars‘ worth of information out for FREE on the Radio; Tuesday Mornings @ 10am eastern and also through his FREE REPORT: How to Raise at Least $100,000 in 91 Days or Less Without a Personal Guarantee at his website:

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