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A Military Sexual Prevention Program Head Decides to Become a Pimp too?

A Military SexualFirst the minister states in church “These hos ain’t loyal.” Now a Fort Hood military sergeant and sexual assault and harassment prevention program head, discovers what the minister said is true!!! Sgt. 1st Class Gregory McQueen a SEXUAL PREVENTION OFFICER has been charged as a Pimp? He was SUPPOSED to PREVENT sexual harassment but apparently he thought no one would be the wiser if he also become a pimp as a side benefit of the job. A cash-strapped female soldier with a 3-year-old child testified  to a Fort Hood hearing board this week  about how the sexual assault prevention officer forced her into a prostitution ring so could buy groceries for her and her child.  Let us pray. McQueen could face some 21 criminal charges if he is slapped with a military court-martial. The woman stated, “Basically, it was having sex with higher ranking officers for money,”  It’s no secret that young military people make very little money and find it hard to make ends meet and there have been other sexual rings in different parts of the country where women AND men have been caught prostituting in order to survive but rarely on base and NEVER by a sexual prevention officer. The officer also had sex with the woman to test out her goods before he hoed her out to other military officials.  

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